The Centre for Linguistic Theory and Studies in Probability

Conference on Logic and Machine Learning in Natural Language (LaML)

We are very happy to announce the first official conference organized by CLASP, Logic and Machine Learning in Natural Language (LaML). The conference hopes to bring together researchers working in both logical and machine learning/deep learning approaches to Computational Linguistics. We aim at initiating a discussion with the two sets of researchers that have been largely unconnected up to now. The conference will take place on June the 12th-14th 2017 in Gothenburg, Sweden. For more information please take a look here.

Call for Papers

Conference on Logic and Machine Learning in Natural Language (LaML)

The past two decades have seen impressive progress in a variety of areas of AI, particularly NLP, through the application of machine learning methods to a wide range of tasks. With the intensive use of deep learning methods in recent years this work has produced significant improvements in the coverage and accuracy of NLP systems in such domains as speech recognition, topic identification, semantic interpretation, and image description generation.

While deep learning is opening up exciting new approaches to longstanding, difficult problems in computational linguistics, it also raises important foundational questions. Specifically, we do not have a clear formal understanding of why multi-level recursive deep neural networks achieve the success in learning and classification that they are delivering. It is also not obvious whether they should displace more traditional, logically driven methods, or be combined with them. Finally, we need to explore the extent, if any, to which both logical models and machine learning methods offer insights into the cognitive foundations of natural language.

The Conference on Logic and Machine Learning in Natural Language will address these questions and related issues. It will feature invited talks by leading researchers in both fields, and high level contributed papers selected through open competition and rigorous review. Our aim is to initiated a genuine dialogue between these two approaches, where they have traditionally remained separate and in competition.

The conference proceedings will be published online, with an ISSN, on the CLASP website. Authors will retain the copyright of their papers and be free to publish them elsewhere, with acknowledgement.

Registration is free and participation is open. We warmly invite everyone to attend.

Invited Speakers:

Submission of papers:

EasyChair submission address:

Contact email address:

LaTeX style files: (this appears to be the latest version of ACL style, ACL 2017 have not been published yet, there is no Word version).

Camera copies will be up to 5 pages + references.

We anticipate accepting 17 papers for oral presentation, and up to 20 papers for poster presentation.

Important dates:

  1. Deadline for submission: April 4, 2017
  2. Extended deadline for submission: April 14, 2017
  3. Notification of authors: April 27, 2017
  4. Camera ready papers due: May 9, 2017

The LaML Programme Committee: