The Centre for Linguistic Theory and Studies in Probability

Workshop on Dialogue and Perception 2018

Call for papers

We invite anonymous papers of between 2-4 pages of content and up to one additional page for references, following the ACL style guidelines. The conference proceedings will be published online, with an ISSN, on the CLASP website. Authors will have the opportunity to extend their papers for the post-proceedings and will retain the copyright of their papers and be free to publish them elsewhere, with acknowledgement.

Registration is free and participation is open. We warmly invite everyone to attend. In order to secure your place please register here (available soon).

Submission of papers:

EasyChair submission address:

Contact email address:

LaTeX style files:

Word style files:


Important dates:

1. Deadline for submission: 2: April 26, 2018 (Submission 1: April 4, 2018)

2. Notification of acceptance: 2: May 14, 2018 (Submission 1: April 20, 2018)

3. Camera ready papers due: 2: May 31, 2018 (Submission 1: May 2, 2018)

4. Workshop date: June 14-15, 2018


Invited Speakers (confirmed so far):

Jacob Andreas, University of California, Berkeley

Laura Carlson, University of Notre Dame

Mary Ellen Foster, University of Glasgow

Pat Healey, Queen Mary University of London

John D. Kelleher, Dublin Institute of Technology, Ireland

Ruth Kempson, King's College, London

Per Linell, University of Gothenburg

Gabriel Skantze, KTH Royal Institute of Technology, Stockholm


Programme co-chairs:

Christine Howes, CLASP

Simon Dobnik, CLASP


Programme Committee (confirmed so far):

Ellen Breitholtz - University of Gothenburg

Joyce Chai - Michigan State University

Simon Dobnik - University of Gothenburg (Programme co-chair)

Arash Eshghi - Heriot Watt University, Edinburgh

Kallirroi Georgila - University of Southern California

Jennifer Gerwing - Akershus University Hospital, Oslo

Jonathan Ginzburg - Universite Paris-Diderot, Paris 7

Eleni Gregoromichelaki - Heinrich Heine University, Dusseldorf

Judith Holler - Max Planck

Christine Howes - University of Gothenburg (Programme co-chair)

John Kelleher - Dublin Institute of Technology

Nikhil Krishnaswamy - Brandeis University

Staffan Larsson - University of Gothenburg

Greg Mills - Groningen University

James Pustejovsky - Brandeis University

David Schlangen - Bielefeld University

Candy Sidner - Worcester Polytechnic Institute

Matthew Stone - Rutgers

lelka van der Sluis - University of Groningen

Diedrich Wolter - University of Bamberg