Associate Researcher

Cann, R. Kempson, R. & Marten L. (2006) The Dynamics of Language: An Introduction. Elsevier.
Kempson, R. W. Meyer-Viol, & Gabbay, D. (2001) Dynamic Syntax. Blackwell.
Cann, R. Kempson, R. & Gregoromichelaki, E. (2009). Semantics: An Introduction to Meaning in Language. Cambridge University Press.
Kempson, R. (1977) Semantic Theory. Cambridge University Press.
Kempson, R.(1975) Presupposition and the Delimitation of Semantics. Cambridge University Press.
Edited Books
Orwin, M, Howes, C. & Kempson, R. (eds.) (2013) Language, Music and Interaction. College Publications.
Kempson , Fernando & Asher (eds.) (2012) Handbook of Philosophy of Linguistics. Elsevier.
Kempson, R., Gregoromichelaki, E. & Howes, C. (2011). The Dynamics of Lexical Interfaces. Stanford Centre for the Study of Language and Information (CSLI) Publications.
Cooper, R, & Kempson, R.(eds) (2008) Language in Flux: Language Change, Variation & Evolution. London Publications.
Kempson, R. (ed.) (1988 ) Mental Representations: The Interface between Language and Reality. Cambridge University Press.
Articles since 2007
Gregoromichelaki, Mills, Eshghi, Howes, Chatzikyriakidis, Purver, Kempson, Cann., Healey, (2021) Completability vs (in)completeness. Acta Linguistics Hafniensia
Gregoromichelaki, Kempson & Howes, C (2020) Actionism in syntax and semantics. In Howes, C., Dobnik, S. & Breitholtz, E. (editors), Dialogue and Perception - Extended papers from DaP2018. GUPEA.
Kempson, R., Gregoromichelaki, E. & Howes, C (2019) Language as Mechanisms for Interaction: Towards an Evolutionary Tale. Language, Logic, and Computation. pp, 209-227 Springer
Gregoromichelaki, E. & Kempson, R (2019). Procedural Syntax. In Carston, R., Clark, B., Scott & K. (editors), Relevance:: Pragmatics and Interpretation.. Cambridge University Press.
Kempson, R., Gregoromichelaki, E., Eshghi, A., Hough, J. (2019). Ellipsis in Dynamic Syntax. In: Jeroen van Craenenbroeck and Tanja Temmerman (eds.). The Oxford Handbook of Ellipsis. Oxford University Press.
Kempson, R., E. Gregoromichelaki, C. Howes (2018) Grammars as affordances for interaction. In: DaP 2018, Proceedings of the CLASP Workshop on Dialogue and Perception. Gothenburg, Sweden.
Wei Liu and Ruth Kempson (2018 ) Chinese cleft structures and the dynamics of processing Proceedings of the Philological Society Vol. 116.2 91-116
Kempson, R. (2017) Pragmatics: language and communication. In Aronoff, M. and Rees-Miller. J. (eds.) Handbook of Linguistics (2nd editn). pp. 417-443. Wiley.
Cann, R. and Kempson, R.(2017) What do words do for us?. Dialectica 71:425-470
Kempson, R. (2017) Shifting concepts of language: meeting the challenge of modelling interactive syntax. In Weigand, E. ed. The Routledge Handbook of Language and Dialogue Pp. 197-213. Routledge.
Gregoromichelaki E., C., Howes, M. Purver, R. Kempson, A. Eshghi, R. Cann, P. Healey and G. Mills. (2017) Completability vs (In)completeness In the BICLCE 2017 workshop Approaches to Fragments and Ellipsis in Spoken and Written English, Vigo, September 2017.
Kempson, R., Chatzikyriakidis, S. & Howes, C (2017). Cognitive science, language as a tool for interaction, and a new look at language evolution. In Howes, C. & Rieser, H. (editors), Proceedings of the workshop on Formal Approaches to the Dynamics of Linguistic Interaction (FADLI), pages 32-36. CEUR Workshop Proceedings.
Kempson, R., Cann, R., Gregoromichelaki, E., Chatzikyriakidis, S. (2017). Action-based Grammar. In Theoretical Linguistics, 43(1-2), 141-167.
Kempson, R. and Gregoromichelaki, E. (2017). Action sequences instead of representational levels (Commentary on Branigan and Pickering). Behavioural and Brain Sciences, 40, E296. doi:10.1017/S0140525X17000449
Kempson, R., Cann, R., Gregoromichelaki, E., Chatzikyriakidis, S. (2016). Language as Mechanisms for Interaction. Theoretical Linguistics, Volume 42, Issue 3-4, 203–276
Gregoromichelaki, E. and Kempson, R. (2016). Reporting, Dialogue, and the Role of Grammar In: Alessandro Capone, Ferenc Kiefer and Franco Lo Piparo (eds.) Indirect Reports and Pragmatics: Interdisciplinary Studies, Springer.
Kempson, R. (2016) Syntax as the dynamics of language understanding. In Allan, K. (ed.) The Routledge Handbook of Linguistics, pp.135-152. Rouotledge.
Kempson, R., Cann, R., Eshghi, A., Gregoromichelaki, E. & Purver, M (2015). Ellipsis. In Lappin, S., Fox & C. (editors), Handbook of Contemporary Semantic Theory. Wiley
Gregoromichelaki, E. and Kempson, R. (2015) Joint utterances and the (Split-)Turn Taking Puzzle.In: Jacob L. Mey & Alessandro Capone (eds.) Interdisciplinary studies in Pragmatics, Culture and Society Heidelberg, Springer.
Kempson, R. Cann, R. & Chatzikyriakidis, S. (2015) Language as mechanisms for interaction: Syntax as procedures for online interactive meaning building (commentary on Christiansen & Chater The Now-or-Never Bottleneck). Brain & Behavioral Science, 39, 35-36
Chatzikyriakidis, S., Gregoromichelaki, E., and Kempson, R. (2015) Language as a set of mechanisms for interaction. In R. Kempson, Robin Cooper, Matthew Purver (eds.) Proceedings of IWCS 2015, Queen Mary University of London, April 2015.
Gregoromichelaki, E., Kempson, R, Howes, C. Eshghi, A. (2013) On making syntax dynamic: the challenge of compound utterances and the architecture of the grammar. In: Ipke Wachsmuth, Jan de Ruiter, Petra Jaecks, and Stefan Kopp (eds.): Alignment in Communication: Towards a New Theory of Communication. John Benjamins, Advances in Interaction Studies
Gregoromichelaki, E. and Kempson, R. (2013). The role of intentions in dialogue processing. In: A. Capone, F. Lo Piparo and M. Carapezza (eds.) Perspectives on Linguistic Pragmatics, series Perspectives in Pragmatics, Philosophy & Psychology, Vol. 2, Springer.
Kempson, R., Cann, R., Eshghi, A., Gregoromichelaki, E. & Purver, M (2015). Ellipsis. In Lappin, S, & Fox,C. (eds.), Handbook of Contemporary Semantic Theory. Wiley.
Gregoromichelaki, E. and Kempson, R. (2015) Joint utterances and the (Split-)Turn Taking Puzzle. In: Jacob L. Mey & Alessandro Capone (eds.) Interdisciplinary studies in Pragmatics, Culture and Society Heidelberg, Springer.
Chatzikyriakidis, S., Gregoromichelaki, E., and Kempson, R. (2015) Language as a set of mechanisms for interaction. In R. Kempson, R. Cooper, M. Purver (eds.) Proceedings of IWCS 2015, Queen Mary University of London, April 2015.
Gregoromichelaki, E., Kempson, R, Howes, C. Eshghi, A. (2013) On making syntax dynamic: the challenge of compound utterances and the architecture of the grammar. In: Ipke Wachsmuth, Jan de Ruiter, Petra Jaecks, and Stefan Kopp (eds.): Alignment in Communication: Towards a New Theory of Communication. John Benjamins, “Advances in Interaction Studies”
Gregoromichelaki, E. and Kempson, R. (2013). The role of intentions in dialogue processing. In: A. Capone, F. Lo Piparo and M. Carapezza (eds.) Perspectives on Linguistic Pragmatics, series Perspectives in Pragmatics, Philosophy & Psychology, Vol. 2, Springer.
Gregoromichelaki, E., Cann R. and Kempson, R. (2013). Coordination in dialogue: subsentential speech and its implications. In: Goldstein, L. (ed.) Brevity Oxford University Press
Kempson & Orwin (2013) Language and music as mechanisms for interaction. In Orwin, M, Howes C. and Kempson, R. (eds.) 2013. Language, Music and Interaction. College Publications.
Howes, C., P. G. T. Healey, R. Kempson, and E. Gregoromichelaki. (2013) “When can you finish someone else’s . . . ?” - influencing the production of compound contributions in dialogue. In: Proceedings of the Workshop on Discourse Expectations: Theoretical, Experimental, and Computational Perspectives, Tübingen, Germany, 2013.
Kempson,R. Cann.R. & Wedgwood,D. (2012) Representationalism and linguistic knowledge. In Kempson,R. Fernando, T. & Asher,R. (eds.) Handbook of Philosophy of Linguistics. pp. 357-402 Elsevier.
Chatzikyriakidis, S. and Kempson, R. (2011) Standard Modern and Pontic Greek person restrictions: A feature-free dynamic account. Journal of Greek Linguistics, 11.2
Gregoromichelaki, E., Kempson, R. and Cann, R. (2012). Language as tools for interaction: Grammar and the dynamics of ellipsis resolution. The Linguistic Review, Vol. 29, No. 4, 563-584.
Kempson, R., Gregoromichelaki, E. and Cann, R. (2012). Context and Compositionality: the Challenge of Conversational Dialogue. In: Stalmaszczyk, Piotr (ed.) Philosophical and Formal Approaches to Linguistic Analysis pp: 215–240, Ontos Verlag.
Kempson, R., Gregoromichelaki, E. and Chatzikyriakidis, S. (2012) Joint utterances in Greek: their implications for linguistic modelling. In: Proceedings of 33rd Annual Linguistics Meeting “Syntactic Theories and the Syntax of Greek”. Thessaloniki, 26-27 April 2012.
Eshghi, A., Hough, J., Purver, M., Kempson, R., Gregoromichelaki, E. (2012). Conversational Interactions: Capturing Dialogue Dynamics. In: L. Borin and S. Larsson (eds.), From Quantification to Conversation. College Publications.
Kempson, R., Gregoromichelaki, E., R. Cann. (2011) Languages as mechanisms for conversational interaction. In: Proceedings of PhiLang 2011 Second International Conference on Philosophy of Language and Linguistics University of Lodz (Poland), 12-14 May 2011.
Gregoromichelaki, E., Kempson, R., Purver, M., Mills, G. and Cann, R. (2011) Incrementality and intention-recognition in utterance processing. In: Dialogue and Discourse 2,1 special issue on Incrementality in Dialogue.
Kempson, R., Gregoromichelaki, E., Meyer-Viol, W., Purver, M., White, G., Cann, R. (2011) Natural-language syntax as procedures for interpretation: the dynamics of ellipsis construal. In: Alain Lecomte, Samuel Tronçon (eds.) Ludics, Dialogue and Interaction, Lecture Notes in Computer Science. Springer
Eshghi, A, P. Healey, M. Purver, C. Howes, E. Gregoromichelaki and R. Kempson. (2010) Incremental turn processing in dialogue. In Architectures and Mechanisms for Language Processing, AMLAP, 2010, York, UK, September 2010.
Kempson, R., Gregoromichelaki, E., Mills, G., Purver, M., Howes, C. and Healey, P. G. T. (2010) On Dialogue Modelling, Language Processing Dynamics, and Linguistic Knowledge. In: Proceedings of Linguistic Evidence 2010, Tübingen, Germany.
Kempson R. and Kiaer, J (2010) Multiple long-distance scrambling: syntax as reflections of processing. Journal of Linguistics 46: 127-92.
Gargett, A., Gregoromichelaki, E., Kempson, R., Purver, M. and Sato, Y. (2009) Grammar Resources for Modelling Dialogue Dynamically Journal of Cognitive Neurodynamics 3(4), pages 347-363, 2009.
Kempson, R. and Kurosawa, A (2009). At the syntax-pragmatics Interface: Japanese relative clause construal. In: Hoshi, H. (ed.) The Dynamics of the Language Faculty, Kuroshio, Tokyo
Kempson, R., Gregoromichelaki, E., Purver, M. Mills, G., Gargett, A. Howes, C. (2009). How mechanistic can accounts of interaction be? In Proceedings of DiaHolmia, 13th Workshop on the Semantics and Pragmatics of Dialogue.
Kempson, R., Gregoromichelaki, E. and Sato, Y. (2009) Incrementality, speaker/hearer switching and the disambiguation challenge. Proceedings of 12th Conference of the European Association of Computational Linguistics.
Gregoromichelaki, E., Sato, Y., Kempson, R. Gargett, A. and Howes, C. (2009) Dialogue modelling and the remit of core grammar. In Proceedings of IWCS, Eighth International Conference on Computational Semantics.
Kempson, R. Gregoromichelaki, E. Meyer-Viol, W., Purver, M., White, G. and Cann, R. (2009). Natural-language syntax as procedures for Interpretation: the dynamics of ellipsis construal. In: Proceedings of the PRELUDE Workshop on Games, Dialogues and Interaction, Paris.
Kempson, R., Gargett, A., Gregoromichelaki, E., Howes, C., Sato, Y. (2008) Towards a unified account of ellipsis: syntax as time-linear building of semantic representations. Proceedings of ESSLLI Workshop: What Syntax Feeds Semantics. Hamburg, Germany.
Cann, R. Kempson,R. Purver.M. (2007) Context and well-formedness: dynamics of ellipsis. Research on Language & Computation 5.1.