Games with a Purpose: The JeuxdeMots project
- Event: Seminar
- Lecturer: Mathieu Lafourcade
- Date: 01 February 2017
- Duration: 2 hours
- Venue: Gothenburg
- Slides: ./1615183_lafourcade-jdm-goteborg-v10.pdf
Human-based computation is an approach where some steps of a computation is outsourced to humans. Games with a purpose (GWAPs) are games aiming at resolving puzzled or collecting data, where humans still outperform machines.
The JeuxDeMots (JDM) projects is a web-based associative GWAP where people are invited to play on various lexical and semantic relations between terms. The aim of this project is to build a large lexico-semantic network, with various relations types and word refinements (word usages).
Text semantic analysis is the main application for exploiting this resource, however the use as a tool for providing help in the case of the “tip of the tongue” phenomenon is also fruitful. This presentation will present the principles behind the JDM project, as well has the results achieved so far (around 1 million terms for 67 million relations). The following aspects will be discussed: the interaction between the various games of the JDM environment, some inference mechanisms of relations and rules, word polarity and sentiments, and some ethical aspects. Some specific aspects of the JDM lexical network are detailed, such as : refinements, aggregated terms, inhibitory relations and relation annotations.
References: M. Lafourcade, N. Le Brun, and A. Joubert (2015) Games with a Purpose (GWAPS) ISBN: 978-1-84821-803-1 July 2015, Wiley-ISTE, 158 p.
M. Lafourcade, A. Joubert (2015) TOTAKI: A Help for Lexical Access on the TOT Problem. In Gala, N., Rapp, R. et Bel-Enguix, G. éds. (2015), Language Production, Cognition, and the Lexicon. Festschrift in honor of Michael Zock. Series Text, Speech and Language Technology XI. Dordrecht, Springer. 586 p. 140 illus. ISBN: 978-3-319-08042-0. (pp. 95-112)